A small, shining body, or transient light; a sparkle.
A small amount of something, such as an idea or romanticaffection, that has the potential to become something greater, just as a spark can start a fire.
From Middle English sparke, sperke, from Old English spearca, from Proto-Germanic *sprakô (compare Dutch spark and sprank, Middle Low German sparke), from Proto-Indo-European *sperg- ("to strew, sprinkle") (compare Breton erc’h ("snow"), Latin spargō ("to scatter, spread"), sparsus, Lithuanian sprógti ("to germinate"), Ancient Greek σπαργάω ("to swell"), Avestan 𐬟𐬭𐬀𐬯𐬞𐬀𐬭𐬈𐬔𐬀, Sanskrit पर्जन्य ("rain, rain god")).
Probably Scandinavian, akin to Old Norse sparkr ("sprightly").
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