
A MiG-17 jet.




  • To spray out of a container.
  • To spray with liquid from a container.
  • To travel on a jet aircraft or otherwise by jet propulsion
  • To move (running, walking etc.) rapidly around
  • To shoot forward or out; to project; to jut out.
  • To strut; to walk with a lofty or haughty gait; to be insolent; to obtrude.
  • To jerk; to jolt; to be shaken.
  • To adjust the fuel to air ratio of a carburetor; to install or adjust a carburetor jet
  • To leave; depart.


  • Propelled by turbine engines.
  • Very dark black in colour.


  • Borrowed from French jet ("spurt"), from Old French get, giet, from Vulgar Latin, from Latin iactus ("a throwing, a throw"), from iacere. See abject, ejaculate, gist, jess, jut. Cognate with Spanish echar.
  • From Middle English get, geet, gete, from a northern form of Old French jayet, jaiet, gaiet, from Latin gagātēs, from Ancient Greek Γαγάτης, from Γάγας. gagate.

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