


  • To change place.
  • To change in state or status
  • To move through time.
  • To be accepted.
  • To refrain from doing something.
  • To do or be better.
  • To take heed, to have an interest, to care.


  • An opening, road, or track, available for passing; especially, one through or over some dangerous or otherwise impracticable barrier such as a mountain range; a passageway; a defile; a ford.
  • A channel connecting a river or body of water to the sea, for example at the mouth (delta) of a river.
  • A single movement, especially of a hand, at, over or along anything.
  • A single passage of a tool over something, or of something over a tool.
  • An attempt.
  • Success in an examination or similar test.
  • A thrust or push; an attempt to stab or strike an adversary.
  • A thrust; a sally of wit.
  • A sexual advance.
  • The act of moving the ball or puck from one player to another.
  • A passing of two trains in the same direction on a single track, when one is put into a siding to let the other overtake it.
  • Permission or license to pass, or to go and come.
  • A document granting permission to pass or to go and come; a passport; a ticket permitting free transit or admission
  • An intentional walk.
  • The act of overtaking; an overtaking manoeuvre.
  • The state of things; condition; predicament; impasse.
  • Estimation; character.
  • A part, a division. Compare passus.
  • The area in a restaurant kitchen where the finished dishes are passed from the chefs to the waiting staff.
  • An act of declining to play one's turn in a game, often by saying the word "pass".
  • A run through a document as part of a translation, compilation or reformatting process.
  • A password (especially one for a restricted-access website).


  • From Middle English passen, from Old French passer ("to step, walk, pass"), from *Vulgar Latin ("step, walk, pass"), from Latin passus ("a step"), pandere, from Proto-Indo-European *pth₂noh₂, from Proto-Indo-European *peth₂- ("to spread, stretch out"). Cognate with Old English fæþm ("armful, fathom"). More at fathom.
  • From Middle English pas, pase, pace, from passen.
  • Short for password.

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