
1. Keel (light peach) 2. Skeg (dark purple) 3. Deadwood (olive drab) 4. Stern post (forest green) 5. Filling chock (bright yellow) 6. Filling transoms (pale yellow-green) 7. Wing transom (turquoise) 8. Helm port (orange) 9. Counter timbers (pale violet) 10. Margin (indigo) 11. Horn timber (green) 12. Stern timbers (apricot) 13. Side-counter timbers (pale yellow) 14. Quarter-timbers (red) 15. Fashion timber (fuchsia) 16. Cant frames (blue) 17. Square body frames (uncolored)




  • To mark with ruddle.
  • Pronunciation spelling of kill


  • From Middle English kele, from Old Norse kjǫlr, itself from Proto-Germanic *keluz, perhaps ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *gewlos. Distantly related to kile.
  • Probably from Scottish Gaelic cìl ("ruddle").

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