
A tent with a bulge in the side.



  • Something sticking out from a surface; a swelling, protuberant part; a bending outward, especially when caused by pressure.
  • The bilge or protuberant part of a cask.
  • The bilge of a vessel.
  • The outline of male genitals visible through clothing.
  • A sudden rise in value or quantity.


  • To stick out from (a surface).
  • To bilge, as a ship; to founder.


  • From Middle English bulge, from Old Northern French boulge, from Late Latin bulga, from Gaulish *bulga, *bulgos, from Proto-Celtic *bolgos. Cognate with bilge, belly, bellows, budget, French bouge, German Balg, etc. budge. See also budget.

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