Tinker to Evers to Chance


Proper Noun


  • A task accomplished quickly by well-executed teamwork; those involved in the teamwork.


  • A reference to a double play completed by Chicago Cubs shortstop Joe Tinker, second baseman Johnny Evers, and first baseman Frank Chance, famously eulogized in a poem
  • {{cite-journal
  • |date=1910-07-12
  • |first=Franklin Pierce
  • |last=Adams
  • |authorlink=Franklin Pierce Adams
  • |title=Baseball's Sad Lexicon
  • |newspaper=New York Evening Mail
  • |passage=These are the saddest of possible words:
    “Tinker to Evers to Chance.”
    Trio of bear cubs, and fleeter than birds,
    Tinker and Evers and Chance.
    Ruthlessly pricking our gonfalon bubble,
    Making a Giant hit into a double —
    Words that are heavy with nothing but trouble:
    “Tinker to Evers to Chance.”
  • .

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